26 June 2008

Features: The Bane Of Good Software

Remember when PDF used to be a really great thing for read-only documents that would be viewable anywhere?  Since those days, Abode (still one of the very best software makers) keeps compulsively feature-bloating. Is this a virus originally spread from microsoft? Do you want more features on your car, or do you want it to perform better? Do you want your kitchen to be well laid-out and highly functional, or are you making it "better" by filling it with goofy appliances you'll never use? Adobe keeps adding salad-shooters to Acrobat. 


zim said...

every time i launch Acrobat, i'm bothered by an update window. seems it's always for security.

really, Adobe? it's been 15 years and it seems you're better at introducing security holes than closing them. net effect is i don't want to use your program for opening PDF's.

JustJoeP said...

when I try to close down my sad work laptop (a Dell PC) Adobe is always not closing properly, from one of the salad shooters still trying to get my attention. It's quite annoying.

I hope Firefox doesn't follow the Adobe operating model, in years to come. So far, all the salad shooters are purely optional with Firefox 3.0. I just hope they stay that way.