- chestnut dressing, same as last year except added some ceps and oyster mushrooms browned in butter.
- green bean casserole (same as last year)
- poached turkey legs in goose fat, also did 4 chicken legs with them for good measure
- roasted and made stock (onions, garlic, celery, bay leaf) out of the back of the turkey
- made brownies (with pecans), same as last year
- made gravy by thickening turkey stock with a roux
- roasted the turkey (5.6kg whole), as last year, 45 minutes back up at 220C, then flipped and cooked at 200C until done, then rested for 30+ minutes
- mashed potatoes (about 5 lbs worth; butter, double cream)
- while turkey was resting, heated at 180C+fan: dressing (uncovered), green beans (uncovered), legs (covered)
- JJ made fresh cranberry salad