I have an enduring fondness for It's A Wonderful Life, as I remember warmly hanging out at home for the holidays as a college student in the 80s and being able to see that movie pretty much 'round the clock on dozens of cable and local channels. Any scene, any time of day. In the early 90s they clamped down a bit on the copyright and showings were trimmed way back, which is a shame. Nonstop Zuzu was a nice holiday tradition. Oh well.
In that spirit, here are my choices of a few underviewed Christmas movies [I'm not including A Christmas Story since hopefully that's well-viewed... or does that count as including it?]
Not a great movie, but one I rewatched with the kids last year for the first time in many years, and it held up well. I don't have much tolerance for "Christmas Carol" retellings, as I usually find them tedious, but this one I liked.
Love, Actually
Very much a Christmas movie though you'd never know it from the title. Kind of like a romcom greatest hits album done as a Christmas fantasy.
Wonderfully adapted-for-TV Pratchett, crafted with such obvious affection and care by all involved that it is absolutely charming. Becoming something of a family holiday tradition now. Very strongly recommended.
"Scrooged" really is pretty good. I also like "Elf" - I think because my kids liked it so much. Of course "Bad Santa" is a must for the neo-pagan pseudo-Christian holiday season. And "Trading Places" is not a Christmas movie, but it does take place during the holiday season. I also have been meaning to find and see "What Would Jesus Buy?" - a film (documentary I think) addressing the over-commercialization of Christmas.