Rufus Blooter
Practitioner of the Traditional Pineapple Method
21 June 2014
Opera: Season 1 Done
I've gone apeshit for arias, bonkers for bel canto. After seeing my first-ever opera in September I ended up going to eight for the sea...
21 April 2014
BurgerWeek 2
Not quite two years ago we did BurgerWeek (links for original at bottom). We decided it was time for another. We bracketed it with two from ...
20 April 2014
Confit Easy
Yesterday we had the confit[ed] legs from the Christmas geese. Usually I wait months longer but I've been hoarding duck legs so immed...
08 April 2014
Sous Vide Gyros (Doner Kebabs)
The Ginger Pig has started a "fakeaways" series on their blog. The other week they did doner kebabs and it looked really good. C...
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06 April 2014
Sous Vide Ox Heart
At last year's Meatopia London, we had two different ox heart dishes, and loved them both. I eventually got around to trying it at home....
22 March 2014
Yes, I do eat vegetables, too. pay no attention to the salami and cheese I recently got myself a Gärtopf -- simple, old design, but v...
05 March 2014
Sous Vide Beefathon: Silverside, Pickled Brisket, and Shortrib Rendang
This arrived Saturday at 6:01am A very weak observational study just came out that says people who claim to eat lots of animal protein...
26 February 2014
Salt, Smoke, Sear: Seven Months of Sous Vide, Part 2
Sous vide usually ends up as one step of several. There are exceptions: salmon is a nice single step. Chicken breast for chicken salad needs...
24 February 2014
Sous Vide Seven Months In
I've had my sous vide setup since July. I use it frequently. It's been a good purchase so far. So what have I learned? Vegetab...
23 February 2014
How To Dress For -27F
Recently went skiing and at the start of the week it was shockingly cold. Before it warmed up and dumped a bunch of lovely fresh snow on ...
05 January 2014
Chicago Style Pizza
oven ready John's Stewart's tantrum about Chicago style pizza was funny but really dumb. People seem to get hung up on the fact ...
07 December 2013
More On Food Safety, Internal Temperature, and Pathogens
or possibly moron food safety: I'm really not bothered. I have never gotten sick from my own cooking and very, very rarely from restau...
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