07 October 2008

First Since Ford

Did Gerald Ford have a combover? This election might be of historic significance in that we could have the first president (Obama) since Gerald Ford who wasn't a dick, or the first president (McCain) since Gerald Ford to have a combover.


  1. Carter was a dick? Granted, he was not a successful, popular president.. but he never struck me as a dick. Political operative, yes. Nuclear Engineer from the navy, yes. Somewhat naive about foreign affairs, military expertise, and building a good cabinet, yes. But a dick?

  2. Carter seems like one of those guys who everyone assumes is much nicer than he actually is. I don't know. I bet he's a dick.

  3. He builds houses for Habitat for Humanity, and tries to monitor elections globally for fairness. His political acumen/cut-throatness/savvy Could thrust him towards dickishness, certainly, as he tries to come across all cuddly and sweet, but I think he's more towards "nice guy" on the dick-continuum. Chacun sa merde... who knows.

  4. I don't think he has much political acumen, actually. Although he did turn into a much better elder statesman than president. I retract my judgment of dickishness on him. I still am not convinced he's a nice guy, though.
