09 June 2009

Another Tube Strike

They really know how to minimize sympathy. This excellent song always seems to sum it up pretty well.


  1. you must have sent me that song before, yes? i know i've heard it.

    is it just a tube strike, or the busses as well?

  2. Crikey. Paul Weller can't possibly like this.

    From my perspective, the MTA and its unions have an undeservedly bad rap. Might it be the same with LUL?

  3. Yes, you've heard it before. No bus strike, fortunately.

    I'll try to be fair, but the RMT Union seems hard to like.

  4. "a four year old" - LMAO!
    Wankers... awesome song. I am sorry for your massive pain... I hope it is resolved soon.

  5. I read that the basic tube driver pkg is £40k/yr salary, with 43(!) days holiday per year. That's with 36-hour work weeks, and a benefit of free transit passes for the whole family. Not too shabby. They were asking for a 5% raise instead of the 1.5% on offer. There are other grievances, the one I think has particular merit concerns potential violation of the promise to not have further cuts , but still, you can maybe see why this doesn't get much sympathy.
