20 September 2008

Quite A Week For Financials

High drama.
  • The Lehman building in midtown is a tourist stop now. Lots of people stopping to take photos of it, even after all the TV crews finally lost interest. I personally don't see the attraction of having a snapshot of it proudly displayed in your home albums, but I guess people want documentary evidence that they were there, or something.
  • Also noteworthy is how crappy the NYT coverage was. As a general NYT fan and an IHT subscriber, I was appalled.
  • I kind of felt bad for McCain. He was trying to keep up, sort of, but was obvious he had no idea wtf he was talking about, especially as he struggled to read aloud various scripted proposals his people had telepromptered in front of him. I was hoping someone would ask him to describe what the SEC, the Fed, and the Treasury actually do. Especially seems like a fair question after he called for Cox to resign. I wouldn't bet that he knows.

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