14 September 2008

Lie About Everything

There's growing dismay over the McCain campaign's increasingly blatant strategy to lie about anything and everything, no matter how provably false any given claim is. DailyKos suggests this is a test for the press. It's not. It's a test for the public. The NYT could cover nothing but McCain campaign sleaze between now and November, and for the depressingly large segment of the public that is informed solely by talk radio and a bit of tv news, it won't matter. So we'll see.


  1. i guess when karl rove sez you've gone too far...

  2. yesterday (Oct 1st) in Iowa, grumpy old man McCain adamantly defended his campaign lies when the Des Moins Register grilled and re-grilled him about the content of his ads (explicit sex ed to kindergarteners, Palin rejecting the bridge to no where, etc) vs "being 100% honest, straight talk, it's how I've lived my life" McCain. You could see him FIGHTING to SUBDUE the RAGE within - why are these print media people questioning me!?!?!?!

  3. I saw that! Incredible. "100%" He was clearly furious. And he seems furious at Obama for even running.
