04 June 2008

Angry Bill

Just when he seemed to be transitioning into awesomeness as a true Elder Statesman, former POTUS Clinton started freebasing testosterone or something and went apeshit on the campaign trail. Why is he so angry? Seriously, what is his problem? Hard to figure, really. I think, and I really believe this, that no matter what he says or wants to believe about himself, the root cause was that he just didn't want Hillary to be president.


  1. I am in concurrence. I think deep down inside, he was so worried about her possible presidency over-shadowing his "legacy" that he was reflexively, sub-consciously torpedoing things with angry rebuttals to hecklers, effete finger pointing, racially dismissive remarks, et al. The more stressed Hillary's delegate rankings became in their slow downward spiral, the more indignant he got. Par for the course for plutocratic oligarchs (who grew up poor, but then went on to better themselves, and think they are better than everyone else).

  2. "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mayhill-fowler/bill-clinton-purdhum-a-sl_b_104771.html"

    or visibly here:


    ... a very angry man indeed.
