For father's day, I got a meat slicer. I've not yet injured myself with it, but it's been great fun. Have sliced salami, bacon -- bacon is sliced thickly here, but I was able to make american-style crispy bacon by thin-slicing a hunk of smoked streaky bacon from the butcher, perfect! -- and tonight, roast beef. Last night I roasted a nicely aged hunk of rump to a perfect medium-rare, let it cool completely, then stuck it in the fridge. Tonight I fired up the slicer, and turned the roast into a large mound of shaved beef, beautifully folded paper-thin slices. I heaped some onto a makeshift foil plate, topped it with cheddar, popped it under the broiler until the cheese was bubbling and the exposed edges of beef were crispy, and served on thick slices of tomato with salt and pepper. Fantastic.

omg does that sound good. what a great gift!
mmmmm rotary slicing... without the plastic gloves that are ubiquitous at American deli counters... sounds awesome. Do let me know how easy or pain-in-the-ass they are to clean. I've always wondered, but have never seen an actual cleaning.
The cleaning is the only downside. It's not really built for disassembly & cleaning. There's one plastic plate with spikey things that holds the food in place that easily detaches and is dishwasher safe. Everything else you clean in place. I haven't come up with a good method yet. I wipe it down then again with vinegar then water then again with dry cloth, and that seems to work fine, although it's a tight squeeze to get to some of the surfaces. I do fire it up to clean the blade, which I'm certain is a bad idea, but no bloodshed yet. I think it would be pretty easy to modify the design to let some major items to pop off to let some pieces be cleaned in the sink or dishwasher, and to allow easier access to surfaces that are cleaned in place. Overall, a minor drawback. It just encourages me to do lots of slicing in any given session (as if I needed more encouragement).
coupe en masse
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